Web / Facebook

Client: JuicyBurger / Agency: Freelance / Creative field(s): Web design / Year: 2015

A simple landingpage with general info and menucards for chef Henrik Boserup’s con amore project JuicyBurger.

Client: Blue Hors Care / Agency: lyhne & co. / Creative field(s): Webdesign & Branding / Year: 2015

I developed these 2 apps for the Danish stud farm Blue Hors and their horse care products.
One is a direct reflection of the webshop on Facebook and the other is a top 10 of the products with direct link to the product on the webshop.

Client: Frederiksen A/S / Agency: Paustian / Creative field(s): Graphic design & Branding / Year: 2013

www.frederiksen-as.dk is an informative and simple website, which I designed and developed in cooperation with Niels Peter Bækhøj-Poulsen (www.bfik.dk).

Click link to view full page: http://frederiksen-as.dk/

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