
This page features work I have done or had a share in throughout my time at different agencies/companies.

Client: Gone To Print / Agency: Brand Aid / Creative field(s): Graphic design / Year: 2013

A printed ad I designed and illustrated for a local beer bar in Copenhagen. It was published in The Cope Quarterly.

Client: DADIF / Agency: Brand Aid / Creative field(s): Strategic analysis / Year: 2013

Danish Diagnostics & Laboratory Association needed a makeup from the old identity and name (DADIF).
I did the strategic work behind the this – analysis of the industry and competitors leading to the new name and identity.

Client: Gone to Print / Agency: GreyWorks / Creative field(s): Art direction & Project Management / Year: 2014

A fashion editorial for The Cope Quarterly with contribution from local high end fashion shops in Copenhagen.
Together with the photographer I found the location, managed the shoot and assisted the art director in post production.


Photographer: Emil Monty Freddie
Art director: Danny Santana
Stylist: Elisabeth Bye Martinsen
Makeup: Simon Rihanna
Hair: Jesper Reiff Larsen
Models: Oskar Tranum & Fie Fenneberg (Unique Models)
Location: Kunsthal Charlottenborg

Client: Nørrebro Teater / Agency: Brand Aid / Creative field(s): Graphic design / Year: 2014

To the left; a small booklet with an overview of acts handed out to the audience at a premiere evening. o the right; a Go-Card for a special act.

Client: Lokalbolig / Agency: Brand Aid/Greyworks / Creative field(s): Editorial content & interviews / Year: 2013/'14

The real estate firm Lokalbolig had a monthly magazine promoting ads in an alternative and more interesting way.
I did most of the editorial content by portraying places and persons relevant for buyers in the area respective area in focus. E.g. Central Hotel and the owner Leif Thingtved, Værnedamsvej and Rasmus Ibfelt founder of E-Types.

Client: Paustian / Agency: Freelance / Creative field(s): Graphic design / Year: 2013

Paustian Kort – a loyalty card for customers, which gives you a 10 % bonus in their stores and online. I designed the card when I was working for Paustian in 2013.

Client: Nørrebro Bycenter / Agency: Brand Aid / GreyWorks / Creative field(s): Graphic design / Year: 2014

Various indoor, outdoor og guerilla marketing I did for the shoppingcenter Nørrebro Bycenter.

Client: Hvidovre C / Agency: GreyWorks / Creative field(s): Graphic design / Year: 2014

Various ads for the monthly magazine of shoppingcenter Hvidovre C.

GrønSamvittighed – Winner idea at Next Gen 2013 App-competition.

An app to focus on green energy and environmental concern to inform about CO2-emission and consumption. Also to highlight the small things that makes the difference when it comes to this important matter.

The app ask you to type in your CO2-generating housewares from car to hairspray. On a daily basis it will give you encouraging notifications about e.g. biking to work when sunny weather or taking the metro instead of the car.

When you agree to these advices, you will be treated with bonus info about your current CO2-reduction.

CAR Manila Logo - This logo is linked to the winning app idea. The prize was a trip to Manila with the artist, Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen, to run Clean Air Ride Manila.
I did the logo for CAR Manila, which is an artistic project with an electric car parade around Manila to focus on CO2 emission.

The CAR Manila logo exposed with Nissan’s logo on flags and banners during Clean Air Ride Manila 2013.

Client: Clean Air Ride Manila / Agency: Freelance / Creative field(s): Graphic design & Branding / Year: 2013

CAR Manila Photo Contest Poster – The poster for an Instram Photo Contest as a prelude to Clean Air Ride Manila 2013

Client: Gone To Print / Agency: Brand Aid/GreyWorks / Creative field(s): Writing, Interviews, Graphic design / Year: 2013 & '14

Writing and making ads for the magazine The Cope Quarterly – a magazine for those cruising Copenhagen.

Up Next:

Ideas / Pitches / Mockups